Thursday, October 27, 2011


We're official. We have our own site now... come check us out there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Play With Me!

Sometimes when I rewatch a movie that I know I watched A LOT of when I was younger I'm amazed that A: I was allowed to watch it and B: think there is NO way a movie like this could be made today... That being said THE TOY with Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason is probably being reworked.  It might be a funny movie with Larry David in the Pryor Role and Meryl Streep role...

The toy room has 2 great pieces.  Eero Arnio's Pastil chair in yellow can still be bought new for $1792 at Hive Modern or you can go vintage for $1200 at in black or $2400 at Home114 in white.  

The Joe by Gionatan De Pas, Danato D’Urbino and Paolo Lomazzi. Named after the legendary New York Yankees center fielder Joe DiMaggio. The closest I could get to this was a vintage denim one in Paris for $5197.  A fun option for $1000 is the plastic one at Nova68 or Hive Modern.  

So again, If anyone knows David or Meryl tell them to think about this remake since Hollywood isn't doing any NEW stories.... I'd go see this remake.