Thursday, September 29, 2011

Au Revoir Entourage...

With Entourage ending I felt a bit of relief knowing that I had another 26 mins to devote to reading instead of watching tv, but thanks to our new home's built in cable and the dvr's ability to record 2 shows at the same time I've really only just allowed more quality shows like "I didn't know I was pregnant" and "hillbilly handfishing" to corrupt my brain... 

Season 7 episode 3 "Dramady" had Scott buying some wine at an auction. The room was filled with tons of stuff.  The two things that jumped out for me were some Dan Johnson chairs (I'll let you try to figure those out on your own) and the GE375 Hans Wegner Paddle chairs.  Thomas Hayes Gallery has a few different versions (finishes).  The pair are listed at $6400 and the single version is $3900. Red Modern Furniture had a pair, and I found that they have an armless set of four for $11,600. 

Now back to watching a lady give birth in her pant leg ?!?!?!? Classy.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Double Dorkdom Alarm... Identifying furniture design on a SYFY show...

So I'm excited that the new fall season of TV is starting. SYFY's Alphas is actually about to have it's season finale.  This show reminds me of NBC's Heroes mixed with X-Men mixed with Rainman.  Quite a combo. 

Dr. Rosen's office has a pair of Finn Juhl for France and Sons chairs. Great example of 1950's Danish chairs. Baxter & Liebchen has one for $4000. Tom Gibbs Studio has a pair for $4900 and Galerie Andre Hayat has a gorgeous restored and reupholstered pair, which I didn't contact about the price.  My guess is $5600 for the pair, but I could be wrong.