Thursday, October 27, 2011


We're official. We have our own site now... come check us out there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Play With Me!

Sometimes when I rewatch a movie that I know I watched A LOT of when I was younger I'm amazed that A: I was allowed to watch it and B: think there is NO way a movie like this could be made today... That being said THE TOY with Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason is probably being reworked.  It might be a funny movie with Larry David in the Pryor Role and Meryl Streep role...

The toy room has 2 great pieces.  Eero Arnio's Pastil chair in yellow can still be bought new for $1792 at Hive Modern or you can go vintage for $1200 at in black or $2400 at Home114 in white.  

The Joe by Gionatan De Pas, Danato D’Urbino and Paolo Lomazzi. Named after the legendary New York Yankees center fielder Joe DiMaggio. The closest I could get to this was a vintage denim one in Paris for $5197.  A fun option for $1000 is the plastic one at Nova68 or Hive Modern.  

So again, If anyone knows David or Meryl tell them to think about this remake since Hollywood isn't doing any NEW stories.... I'd go see this remake.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Au Revoir Entourage...

With Entourage ending I felt a bit of relief knowing that I had another 26 mins to devote to reading instead of watching tv, but thanks to our new home's built in cable and the dvr's ability to record 2 shows at the same time I've really only just allowed more quality shows like "I didn't know I was pregnant" and "hillbilly handfishing" to corrupt my brain... 

Season 7 episode 3 "Dramady" had Scott buying some wine at an auction. The room was filled with tons of stuff.  The two things that jumped out for me were some Dan Johnson chairs (I'll let you try to figure those out on your own) and the GE375 Hans Wegner Paddle chairs.  Thomas Hayes Gallery has a few different versions (finishes).  The pair are listed at $6400 and the single version is $3900. Red Modern Furniture had a pair, and I found that they have an armless set of four for $11,600. 

Now back to watching a lady give birth in her pant leg ?!?!?!? Classy.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Double Dorkdom Alarm... Identifying furniture design on a SYFY show...

So I'm excited that the new fall season of TV is starting. SYFY's Alphas is actually about to have it's season finale.  This show reminds me of NBC's Heroes mixed with X-Men mixed with Rainman.  Quite a combo. 

Dr. Rosen's office has a pair of Finn Juhl for France and Sons chairs. Great example of 1950's Danish chairs. Baxter & Liebchen has one for $4000. Tom Gibbs Studio has a pair for $4900 and Galerie Andre Hayat has a gorgeous restored and reupholstered pair, which I didn't contact about the price.  My guess is $5600 for the pair, but I could be wrong.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Long for Longues...

The other day a young woman told me she wanted to match something (i.e. a sofa or chair to her chasie....

A little confused, my brain automatically thought... huh???... a car chasis (ˈcha-sē)??

So I asked again... Chasie... what's that?  And after her much LABORED description I realized OHHHHH, you mean a CHAISE LOUNGE.... Got it....

Which brings me to my much delayed JULY entry...

So, Sex and the City.... People always talk about the shoes, the clothes, the bags... I'm gonna talk about Carrie Bradshaw's lounge. I have many friends who are writers for newspapers, magazines, etc but WOW, Carrie made a pretty great living to be able to buy all those clothes and a great piece of furniture too.

The chaise that Carrie has her hand on and which you can BARELY see in the corner left side of the second photo is by T.H Robsjon-Gibbings for Widdicomb.  I found one at 20th Century Interiors for a SCORCHING deal of only $10,975.  JED also has one but there's is $12,500 and Modest Designs has theirs for $14,500. All look like they have been reupholstered.  If you ever come across one of these and it's in need of reupholstering, I can not STRESS THIS ENOUGH... BE CAREFUL.... you can mess the value up FAST, by using the wrong foam and fabric.  Don't even get me started on refinishing!  That's a whole other mess of details....

Personally I loved this piece and was saddened to see Carrie's overdone REGENCY remodel, but I'm a sentimental girl and get attached to things, so on that note I'm off to pack my own house for the new one that I"m moving to and have my own pieces that I need to let go of... 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?


Adam Sandler's Big Daddy from 1999 has a Dunbar credenza from the 1950's in it.  For a the bargain price of $22,000 it can be yours at DUAL or if you're flexible and want it a little bigger and in a lighter finish The Collection Los Angeles has it for $7550. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are you Down?

So a few things.  If you don't know who Eero Saarinen is, or that he designed the Womb Chair in the 1940's and it's one of the most OVERLY used chair in Modern design other than an Eames Lounge, we need to get you the Taschen 1000 Chairs book to start you at the basics... I mean no disrespect, but the Womb chair is a bit pedestrian... It's almost as bad as people referencing Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's and the Little Black Dress. YES, it's great and YES it's become the standard of indicating "CLASSIC STYLE", but let's think outside the box a little....
But, with that being said, it is an amazingly comfortable and classic chair... SO I've chosen to to at least pick something that's a bit different. Knoll textile doesn't currently make Classic Boucle in pink, nor does it really have a GREAT pink textile to choose to do the Womb chair in so depending on your philosophy on using Knoll textiles on a Knoll piece you might have to bite the bullet and just do what you want (if you aren't concerned about the resale value).

Ok, so back to the point of all this.  Down With Love has two of the most amazing PINK Womb chairs in it.  I then realized this is the second movie that I've chosen that has Ewan Mcgregor in it. 

You can go the vintage (reupholstered route) for $6000 or you can do the new one for $4400.  Either way don't go with a FAKE one... ughhh just go find a COOL chair that's got style and character, new and fake is horrible and can be spotted a mile away with anyone who's really into design... interesting and unique is better than fake knockoff...

Also be careful if you're going to have one reupholstered.  To do it the RIGHT way is SUPER SUPER tricky.... RESEARCH and make sure you get the right kind and amount of fabric and an upholsterer who KNOWS who do do a WOMB CHAIR otherwise you are wasting your money!

Side note, if you want a horse similar to the one on the table in the photo Jonathan Adler  THE KING of sampling good design (he's a BETTER version of Vanilla Ice sampling Queen/Bowie's Under Pressure for Ice Ice Baby).  He's got GREAT stuff, but research Alexander Girard, Lisa Larson, Raymor, Herman Miller...  it's all about information, education and opening your mind to what's out there...